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How Long Is a Mommy Makeover Surgery?

Posted April 19, 2024 in Mommy Makeover

young mother with daughter having fun

This blog discusses what specific procedures are commonly included in Mommy Makeovers, how to calculate a general idea of operation times, how to choose a Mommy Makeover surgeon, and how to start planning the procedure.

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The Truth About Mommy Makeovers

You’ve probably heard about the wonders of the popular Mommy Makeover and have decided you deserve to find out more. A Mommy Makeover is not a magic procedure–it’s a full-body transformation combining several cosmetic procedures. While there are many benefits to combining cosmetic procedures, most women need more information before they sign up for a consultation.

This blog will discuss some of the most common questions that patients ask about Mommy Makeovers, such as what procedures to combine, how long the surgery itself will take, and how to get started with planning.

What Procedures Are in a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy Makeovers are designed to enhance or restore youthful vitality to parts of a woman’s body most affected by pregnancy and childbirth: the breasts, midsection, areas that harbor weight, and sometimes, the labia. These areas also happen to be where women most significantly see the effects of the aging process, which is why you don’t even have to be a mom to undergo a Mommy Makeover.

All that being said, the choice of procedures is entirely your own–it’s all about combining procedures into as few surgical sessions as possible and making you feel better about your body. To begin, we’ll list the most popular options:

Breast Augmentation

To combat volume loss after breastfeeding, many Mommy Makeover patients choose breast augmentation as part of their surgical plan. This procedure is incredibly customizable and provides fantastic results.

Breast Lift

Sometimes called the “unsung hero” of plastic surgery, a breast lift does something a breast augmentation cannot: Removes excess sagging skin and repositions the nipple-areolar complex. This procedure is a definite favorite for moms and non-moms alike, as it can restore that youthful position on the chest.

Additionally, you can get the best of both worlds by combining your breast lift with an augmentation. Lift, plump, and reposition.

Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty or a tummy tuck is the gold standard for postpartum cosmetic surgery. This procedure allows your surgeon to surgically repair separated abdominal muscles (diastasis recti), which is otherwise nearly impossible to remedy. Loose skin and pockets of fat are also eliminated for a stunning end result.


Do you have stubborn pockets of fat that will not budge no matter how hard you diet or exercise? Liposuction can help. This is a fantastic addition to a Mommy Makeover, as your surgeon can precisely eliminate pockets of fat around nearly any area of the body, including the hips, flanks, buttocks, arms, knees, neck– you name it.


Due to aging, pregnancy, hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, or natural anatomy, large or protruding labia minora (inner lips) can greatly impact your confidence, sexuality, and physical comfort. Labiaplasty addresses your aesthetic or function concerns and can greatly improve your self-esteem.

How Long Is the Mommy Makeover Surgery?

This will depend a lot on the number of procedures you undergo, as well as the nature of the procedures, your specific surgical plan, and your surgeon. This all might seem like a lot, but you can do some generalizing to get a better idea as you plan your surgery. A few rules to consider:

  1. Your Mommy Makeover may have to be performed over two surgical sessions to ensure safety.
  2. The complexity of your procedure can affect the surgical time. For example, if you have diastasis recti, your tummy tuck may take longer than it does for a patient who does not.

It’s important to understand that each surgery is entirely unique to the patient’s needs and goals, and the complexity of the procedure will vary.

Most of the above procedures take one to two hours to complete, so if you combine three in one session, you’re looking at 3 to 6 hours in the operating room. This is all contingent on your physical anatomy, the skill and techniques of the surgeon, and the surgery itself (some sessions take longer if unforeseen changes arise).

Of course, it’s always best to schedule a consultation with your board-certified plastic surgeon to get an idea of how long your specific procedure will take.

How to Plan Your Mommy Makeover in NYC

After doing some research, you should start narrowing down your choice of board-certified plastic surgeon. You always want to choose a board-certified surgeon, as these plastic surgeons have gone through extra certifications, education, and training beyond the norm to adhere to the highest standards of safety, knowledge, and experience.

Dr. Eric Cha is a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City with decades of experience performing and perfecting Mommy Makeovers. For over twenty years, Dr. Cha has gained experience in plastic and reconstructive surgery, become an educator of other surgeons, and won many awards for excellence in his field.

Once you have chosen your plastic surgeon, start thinking about the procedures you’re interested in and schedule a consultation. During your consultation, Dr. Cha will listen to your goals for the procedure and give you impartial advice on how to safely and effectively move forward with your Mommy Makeover to give you the best possible result.

If you both think a Mommy Makeover is the ideal procedure for you, he will create a customized treatment plan that will detail all the procedures, the techniques, and finally, the cost of a Mommy Makeover.

Interested in a Mommy Makeover in NYC?

If you’re ready to get the body of your dreams, call Fifth Ave Plastic Surgery today at (212) 717-2222 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cha. You can also fill out our online contact form to get started.

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